Review: All the Birds in the Sky

I can’t seem to muster up any strong opinions about this book. I enjoyed it fairly well while I read it, although I did get restless at times, particularly toward the end. I could find things to nitpick about, but there wasn’t anything that drove me particularly nuts while I read it.
This is just a big mixture of tropes from both the science fiction and fantasy genres and, maybe to a lesser extent, from the romance genre. In the beginning, we're introduced to two young children who have grown into adulthood after the first third of the book. Patricia has skills and interests that fall more into the fantasy realm whereas Laurence has skills and interests that fall more into the science fiction realm. We see the individual paths each character takes and the effect their respective, and often conflicting, approaches have on their own lives and on the world itself.
I liked the main characters, and I liked the story pretty much. I just don’t think this is one that’s going to stick with me much. The ending was a little nebulous. It didn’t wrap everything up in a neat bow, but that isn’t really what I’m talking about. The things that happened at the end were those types of events that seem to make sense while you’re reading about them but, when you switch your brain back on afterwards, you realize they don’t stand up to scrutiny very well. I’m giving the book 3.5 stars on the sites that accept half-star ratings, and rounding down to 3 on Goodreads.
Next Book
Slade House by David Mitchell. I read the author’s Cloud Atlas a couple years ago and liked it quite a bit, but I haven’t yet read any of his other work. I don’t know much about it, but I do vaguely remember seeing some reviews quite some time ago that made me want to read it and I grabbed it when the Kindle edition went on sale recently. From what I remember, I think this is supposed to be a little creepy? I thought it might be an appropriate October read.