Review: Blood of Tyrants (Temeraire Book 8 of 9)

Blood of Tyrants is the eighth and penultimate book in the Temeraire series. I enjoyed it equally as much as the previous books, although a little more unevenly. I was fully engrossed for the first 75% or so, but I occasionally felt restless toward the end.
Some of the early events, though occasionally frustrating, really highlighted Laurence’s character growth throughout the series, and Temeraire’s too. I was also happy to see my favorite secondary character show back up.
This book doesn’t exactly end on a cliff hanger, but it did feel a little less wrapped-up than the previous books, setting the stage for the final events coming up next. I look forward to finding out how the series ends.
Next Book
League of Dragons by Naomi Novik, the last book in the Temeraire series, not counting the anthology due out next month.