Review: Tongues of Serpents (Temeraire Book 6 of 9)
Tongues of Serpents is the sixth book in the Temeraire series. For me, this was the weakest in the series so far. It wasn’t a bad book, and there wasn’t any particular aspect of it that I disliked, but it didn’t hold my attention as well as the previous books. I think one big reason was because I disliked so many of the secondary characters. There were still some good secondary characters around, but they didn’t get that much page time.
But just because I liked this book less, doesn’t mean I disliked it. There were still plenty of great moments, and this book had an interesting setting that I enjoyed reading about. The middle part held my interest quite well and several sections had me anxious to learn what would happen next. There was also a new character introduced who was fun to read about.
I have a few more spoiler-ish comments within the spoiler tags:
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Next Book
A standalone book called The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon. I’ve never read anything by Chabon and, happily, I don’t know anything at all about the book. It was on a list that many of my reading selections come from, and it went on sale not too long ago, so I slotted it into the schedule as one of my series-break books. After this, I plan to finish up the last three Temeraire books.